Friday, June 28, 2019

show and tell about your mosaic jig medallion quilt

Thanks for joining us for our show and tell portion of the Mosaic Jig QAL. If you were participating, I hope you have caught up on your design and have finished the top to show to all of us? If so, you can link up down below.

I have enjoyed watching your progress and finished quilts over the past couple of months. It makes my heart tingle with admiration and appreciation. I wasn't expecting such a great turnout and was totally floored by seeing all of your beautiful designs! I wasn't expecting that. Thank you!

Here is a reminder of previous posts if you missed one.

Material and Fabric Requirements (March 1)
Preparation and Cutting Instructions (March 15)
Center Mosaic Medallion (March 29)
Border One (April 12)
Mosaic Blocks (April 26)
Record Blocks (May 10)
Finishing (May 26)
Show and Tell (June 28)*

My quilt is completed and I totally love it! I was a little nervous by giving it away to a long arm quilter, but Birgit Schüller didn't disappoint! She took the design and enhanced it beautifully by accentuating and creating a new design with her award winning quilting abilities. I am so honored to have one of my quilts quilted by her! I look forward to putting the Mosaic Jig Medallion quilt into exhibits so everyone can see just how beautiful it really is in person.

All in all, I am pleased with how it all came together. Often when I design a quilt followed by actually sewing it together, I change some things in the construction or in the process. I don't think I would change anything on this one. Except, maybe I would make that outer border just a little bit wider.

If you are wondering why there isn't a complete circle on the corner blocks, this was intentional. It looks okay when you do this, but I wanted to bring in a little more interest and dynamic to the design.

I shot these photos with my mobile Samsung phone. They are not the best by far, but you do get an impression of the gorgeous quilting. When I have some more time, I will take photos with my SLR. I also realized my photo display (aka curtain rod) in my sewing room is just a little too small for this quilt. You can see it hanging off the end. After the tunnel is completely sewn down, it will be photographed again.

As a thank you to all who participated in the free quilt along, I will be sending out a freebie. Just drop me an email with a photo of your progress, and I will send it out to you. : )

Additionally, all of the free PDF downloads are disappearing after today. You can still read the blog posts, but the PDF's are gone from the website. You can always purchase the complete pattern on Etsy.

Now it is time to share your Mosaic Jig Medallion and tell all about it! Link up below. Thanks for dropping by and have a wonderful summer!

Quilty hugs,