Thursday, December 19, 2013

working hard but slowing down

Okay, now there are just a few days left before the big event. Which event could that be? Christmas or my solid color essentials challenge? Both!

I have noticed that posts within my patchwork circle have decreased this month. I think we are all very busy around the holidays and simply just powering down. Now is the time to slow down and spend enjoyable moments with friends and family.

I have been preparing frantically. We have baked our favorite Plätzchen including fudge. We have decorated the house with lights. Our Christmas tree is aflame. The meals are planned and all presents are bought except for some last minute stocking stuffers. Oma & Opa will be joining us this year to partake in their first "American Christmas" with 6 a.m. Christmas morning cheer. I am really excited, the kids are too!

Parallel, I have been working diligently on my color essentials quilt. I like to keep things simple, but this design was more of a challenge that I thought. I first started on a prototype in small scale. Not good. I didn't finish that one. I upped the scale quite a bit and was content with the results. It sewed together very easily (after I got the measurements right). Now, the quilt top is finished and I am ready to make my sandwich and start quilting. Half-time, and I am feeling good. It is time to relax; I can still make my deadline without a lot of pressure.

I am curious to see what you think about my solid color quilt design. Will it be interesting for you? Just a few more weeks to go, and we all can hop along an exciting tour of color essential quilts and their designers. I will post a list of particpants and their blogs beginning January. Come join us!

Until then, I wish you a very joyous holiday season and a happy new year filled with exciting new challenges.

1 comment:

  1. Ich bin mir sicher, Dein solid colour Projekt wird mir gefallen.
    Ich wünsch Dir Frohe Weihnachten, und einen Guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr!


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