Sunday, October 12, 2014

halloween quilts

Hello Everyone! I would like to share with a quilt I received from my Doll Quilt Montly Swap partner, Lorna. We decided not to go with the monthly theme of "Back to School" and make Halloween Quilts for each other instead. Lorna lives in the UK and doesn't really celebrate Halloween, so it gave her a chance to be a little creative and jump out of her comfort zone. She made this really beautiful Halloween Dresden using Halloween and linen fabrics. I was totally happy to have received it! She did a really fantastic job at quilting it as well! Thank you Lorna!

Halloween is just around the bend, and it has totally escaped me this year, again. I have hardly decorated at all and don't know what to dress the kids up as. I guess I should ask them, shouldn't I? Every year I think about Halloween costumes and never make one. And then, I decide I will make them at Fasching or Mardi Gras. That doesn't usually happen either! One of my goals for next year is to make clothing for my daughter, so costumes are also included. I think I will ask her today what costume we should sew for her for Kinderfasching! It will probably be a princess since she still very much likes pink! ;-)

Do you celebrate Halloween? Do you decorate your home? Do you scare Trick or Treaters or turn the light out when they come around?

Enjoy your week!


  1. What a delightful little quilt! She did a great job. I don't celebrate Halloween anymore. I don't live in an area where I even get any trick or treaters!

  2. What a fabulous Halloween DP gift. :)

  3. what a sweet doll quilt, re Halloween no I do not celebrate, I turn the lights off and hide such a wimp!

  4. Das ist ein schöner Swap Quilt, Du hast eine talentierte Swap Partnerin.
    Bei uns wird Halloween eigentlich nicht gefeiert, aber ich mag Halloween Dekorationen trotzdem sehr gern.

  5. Liebe Karen,
    Du hast ein wunderschöner mini Halloween-Swap-Quilt erhalten! Wirklich toll!
    Bei uns wird Halloween auch nicht gefeiert, aber ich dekoriere auch sehr gern mein Zuhause!
    Allerliebste Grüße

  6. Da hast Du wirklich einen tollen Swap-Quilt bekommen! Sehr schön! Bei uns hier wird Halloween gefeiert - es wohnen viele Kinder hier und die haben einen riesigen Spaß, hier in der Siedlung herumzugehen. Wir dekorieren draußen mit Ratten und Fledermäusen von IKEA und ich habe ganz süße kleine Geister, die ich immer aufhänge :-) Aber ich habe noch NIE etwas für Halloween genäht! Kaum zu glauben...
    LG, Sandra


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