Monday, December 1, 2014

sign ups begin for 2015

The Pillow Swap Four Seasons, the newest and coolest international pillow case swap celebrating the four seasons of the year and is kicking off today! The flickr group and swap is being co-hosted by the lovely Sandra (aka Hohenbrunner Quiltering) and myself! What's really great about this swap is that it only takes place FOUR times a year. What takes center stage here is the entire process of making the pillow from color choices to design. A pillow swap for design freaks you could say!

Alle Infos darüber findet Ihr in unserer neu eingerichteten flickr-Gruppe. Wir starten mit einem Frühlingskissen, die Sign-ups sind vom 1. bis 12. Dezember offen. Ihr konntet mehr bei Sandra  in deutsch darüber lesen:

How does the swap work? You will be assigned a secret partner and get to spy out their likes and style. Then, you have about three months to make them a pillow case according to their wishes. Does it sound fun and exciting? Then please check all of the details on flickr.

Registration opens today for the spring swap 2015 and continue until Dec. 12, 2014.

Three basic steps to sign up are
  1. Join the flickr group
  2. Fill out the form at Sandra's blog of your contact info for your partner
  3. Create a flickr mosaic of your interests
Then, sit back and wait until Moday, Dec. 15, 2014. The name of your "secret partner" will be emailed to you. You get to spy your partner out on flickr, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. and sew something according to their wishes. Then, start designing in the New Year and share your design process with us on flickr!

Sandra has designed an online template that will help us keep track of you and your interests. It will also help us to assign an appropriate partner according to your ability and experience to make it more enjoyable for everyone. All information will be kept confidential and not given to third parties without your consent. If you have any questions, please post them in the flickr group or email me.

You can grab the blinkie here to support our group. If you don't want to participate, we would still love to have you come by and check us out!

Thanks for stopping by!


Thank you so much for dropping by and leaving comments! You really make my day! - Karen

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