Wednesday, March 11, 2015

time for a quilting retreat?

Spring is in the air and I am slowly getting anxious! Whenever I think about spring, I think about going on a patchwork retreat! Don't you? I have been on a couple retreats now, and have learned what I like/don't like about them...and especially what I need! The most exciting and rewarding and rejuvenating retreat was most definitely and without a doubt, PATCHWORK IN THE PEAKS! It is truly the ultimate quilting retreat!

What is including in the ultimate quilting retreat, you might ask? Here are some things I want from my retreat:
  1. SPACE TO WORK! I need room to sew as well as to cut my material. I need room for my sewing machine and for the piecing I am working on. If I feel scrunched up, I am not going to be happy. ;-( One very important thing I have learned before I go to a retreat, is to cut my fabric beforehand. The fact is, I am happiest when I can just SEW! I love to piece! I like to simply have enough room where I feel comfortable and not cramped.
  2. GREAT LOCATION! Some of you might say, it doesn't matter where, just as long as I am away from home. Well, if I were stuck in the middle of a forest with only trees around me, a gray sky with pouring down rain, I don't think I would be happy! I want to look out of the window at times and see a beautiful blue sky and a nice scenery! It doesn't have to be far from home, but about an hour away gives me enough distance that I forget about HOME.
  3. FULL SERVICE, GREAT FOOD! When I am at home sewing during the week, I manage to get in some sewing time in between loads of laundry, taxiing the kids, making lunch, cleaning up. So, on a retreat, I want to sew completely uninterrupted and completely relieved of my "mama duties!" And let's face it...on a retreat, I don't want just a can of ravioli for lunch...I am sophisticated on my weekend off, I want an exclusive meal...and that three times a day! ;-) Hey, a girl can be picky once and a while! ;-)
  4. COMFORTABLE WORKING ATMOSPHERE! Living in Germany can be hard at times, especially because Germans aren't too warm at first. In the beginning this was hard for me, but now you would probably just judge me as the same! ;-) Most of the ladies in my patchwork groups though, are warm and friendly also to the newbies. I like my retreats to be warm and friendly as well! My hostess or group leader has to be open and a little bit bubbly too. I love to laugh and make jokes and want that type of atmosphere. If the instructor isn't friendly or willing to make jokes or general conversations for that matter, and there is constantly dead silence...I could have stayed at home and listened to the radio sewing instead...and not waste my money. I want to be comfortable and welcomed especially to a new group!
  5. LEARNING SOMETHING NEW! I thirst for knowledge, change and diversity! On a retreat, I want to learn something new. I want to be challenged. And I want to see how my fellow quilters interpret that! I love to see how we all come up with different ideas! A little competition is good for one's motivation...especially me! It gives me new focus and direction.
  6. A COMPLETE WEEKEND! A retreat can be a day, a weekend, a week or even several weeks! I have seen vacation retreats offered on cruises or European patchwork tours. I always wondered how much sewing gets done...I don't think I would sew at all on one of those types! I need a little bit of time on my retreat so I can actually SEW and get some things done. One weekend, or three full days, is a good amount of time for me. 
  7. AFFORDABILITY! Okay, I actually envy anyone who can afford to go off on a quilting cruise retreat...but I simply can't afford it! The fact is, I am a SAHM (Stay-at-Home-Mom). We have one household income and that spread over four people. We have to make the money stretch as far as we can. A cruise is just not in the budget or I am too frugal (Schwäbisch).
  8. PAMPERING OR SERVICE! A retreat for me is also a little vacation. What do I expect from a vacation...? I want to be rejuvenated or "erholt." I can get this from being pampered with a massage or sauna in the evening. It could include pick up/or drop off service. 
  9. GOODIES! What I especially love about new retreats or coming into a group where I know no one, is receiving a goodies basket with name tag, sewing notions, new products, fabric, handouts, pencils, etc. These baskets don't have to be that big either, just enough to say, "hey, I appreciate you coming!" This totally warms my heart! Who doesn't love quilting goodies??
  10. WANTING FOR MORE! When I leave a quilt retreat, I ask myself, would I go back? Was I happy with the experience? Would I have changed something? How did the others like it? Is there a new program out that would excite me just as much as this course/retreat did? If my retreat leaves me wanting for more, then it was THE ULTIMATE QUILT RETREAT! 
I will say it again. Patchwork in the Peaks 6 - Autumn 2014 was the ultimate patchwork retreat for me! It fulfilled all of my criteria and left me wanting for more! You can read all about my experience here.

There are still places available for Patchwork at the Peaks 7, 16-19 April and 23-26 April, 2015. And if you can't make the first weekend, you can sign up for the second weekend at the same chalet in the ski region of Morzine, France. Elita, the greatest instructor and hostess in the world with her Southern hospitality and charm, has a great new program all about color, curves and "harmony."

If this has peeked your interest, there are still places available. Please check it out! I promise you, you will LOVE it! Unfortunately, I will not be going this spring to the retreat due to other commitments. I hope to go back in the fall though!!

Thanks for dropping by. Now I have to get on with the laundry and maybe some sewing!


  1. Gehtst Du denn dieses Jahr auch wieder zu diesem Retreat? Es hat Dir ja sehr gut gefallen das letzte Mal, und Deine Kreise sehen schön aus!

  2. Deine Kreise sind wirklich toll, liebe Karen! Ich liebe Deine Stoff-Zusammenstellung!
    GLG, Deborah

  3. Natürlich hast Du damit jetzt mein Interesse "gepeekt" :-) Das klingt toll und es ist halt etwas weniger umständlich, als nach England zum Sew'In oder so zu fliegen... Das wird teuer und ich frage mich, wie ich meine Nähmaschine im Flieger transportieren soll... Aber Frankreich? Super. Das behalte ich mal im Auge und vielleicht sind wir dann im Herbst zusammen dort :-)
    LG, Sandra


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