I was very fortunate enough to share this pattern with 12 participants who were willing to sit through a hot summer day for several hours working dilgently and accurately to complete the first block. I believe the ladies could say, that they definitely left the class with some gained knowledge on paper piecing, sewing curves and the difficulties of bias edges in New York Beauties. I also truly believe, they are proud of their accomplishements and so should they be! It was a challenging class but these ladies outperformed and didn't complain working almost right through lunch.
As a quilt designer and instructor, nothing warms my heart more than to see others who want to sew one of my designs and learn from my experience. I really love easy patchwork and want to make it as easy for others as it "appears" to be. Thanks ladies for putting up with me! Can't wait until we see each other again!
As a little sumertime reward, I would like to give something back to all of my loyal friends, readers and followers. I will be giving away a suprise package (a min. 40€ value) to one lucky person who makes at least one Long Island New York Beauty blocks from my newest hardcopy pattern. A random winner will be picked on August 7, 2017.
Here are all of the rules:
- Use original Long Island New York Beauty Pattern. The colors and fabrics are your choice. Slight design alternations are accepted.
- Finish at least ONE BLOCK that measures 14 1/2" x 14 1/2". It does not have to be a finished top. (I changed this requirement, because it really is a complicated block to sew. I don't want anyone to rush through this.)
- Post before August 7, 2017 on Instagram or here if I manage to set up a linky party.
- Use the hashtag #linybeasypatchworkgiveaway.
This giveaway is in no way associated with Instagram, Google, Blogger, or any other group. This is solely endorsed by easypatchwork (aka me). Void where prohibited.
Here's a little inspiration for you to think about as far as a color scheme:
Click here to see more ideas. I would show you more, but my space for photos is very limited at the moment on Blogger.
If you are interested in joining the fun and don't have a pattern yet, you can purchase one at your local German patchwork store such as Quilt ét Textilkunst in Munich or click on the pattern to the right sidebar to go to my Etsy Shop - easypatchworkshop. Patterns are available in German and in English with all templates and foundation paper patterns in included. If you have any questions, please feel free to drop me a note - info@easypatchwork.de.
Thanks for stopping by! Enjoy your summer and again, GOOD LUCK!
Link up Block One or Block Two of your Long Island New York Beauty Pattern here for your chance to be entered in the Giveaway Good luck to everyone! One random participant will be chosen on August 7, 2017.
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
Giveaway closed. The winner was chosen on Monday, 8.8.2017.
The winner is Monica at all.about.crafts via Intsagram! Congratulations!!