Friday, October 2, 2020

easypatchwork Free Monthly Recipe Club

Hi there! Thanks for stopping by. Today is the second of October and autumn is just beginning to show her beauty here in Germany. Fall is one of my favorite seasons! The colors of changing leaves, smell of fresh dew and buring wood and watching the wildlife prepare for the winter is so very exciting. My desire for cooking and baking have also been rekindled by the splender of the season. Last month I decided to post one of my favorite recipes that is simple, easy or practical on Instagram. But why limit the post just to Instagram and not share with everyone on the internet? 

I love to cook and bake even more than quilting, but I don't like a lot of fuss and spending loads of time in the kitchen. Let's celebrate the whole year together with a totally ad free (non-easypatchwork related) and no membership-fee recipe club? Just drop by this blog and download this month's recipe. Subscribe to the right just in case you forget and will be notified by Blogger. 

At the begining of each month, I will post one of my favorite no-hassle recipes. I will try to adapt it for both the English speaking world as well as the German speaking world with a few translations. Does that sound like fun? I hope so. OH, and tomorrow is a holiday in Germany - German Reunification day. So get out there and buy the ingredients. Now let's get started.

Simple Peart Tart

My son has developed a speacial taste for pears - a close sister the the apple. It is a no fuss, rustic fruit that mother nature gifts us in the fall. I'm sure you've made some sort of apple pie or tart before. Have you ever made a pastry with pears? They taste delicious!

Here's a recipe for an simple pear tart. Instead of baking an American pie, make a panless pie by bringing the edges of the pie pastry up around the filling hugging the yumminess. You can make this type of pan-free tart with any type of fruits such as apples, plums, peaches and cherries. Avoid berries due to too much juices flowing out of the crust.







4 – 5 Ripe Pears
1 T. Flour
2 T. Brown Sugar
½ tsp. Cinnamon
⅛ tsp. Nutmeg
Pinch of Salt
¼ Cup Slivered Almonds
2 T. Butter
1 tsp. Milk
1 Prepared Pie Pastry


4 – 5 Birnen
1 EL Mehl
2 EL Rohrohrzucker
½ TL Zimt
⅛ TL Muskatnuss
1 Priese Salz
50 g gehobelte Mandeln
2 EL Butter
1 TL Milch
1 Quiche und Tarteteig (Fertigprodukt)





Peel and slice pears. Mix flour, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt. Add to pears. Unroll pastry dough and lay on lined baking sheet. Place pear mixture in the middle of pastry leaving two inches free on outer edge. Fold pastry inwards over pears. Sprinkle with almonds and dot with cubed butter. Make an egg wash if desired. Mix milk and egg. Wash over pastry edges. Bake at 400°F or 200°C for 30- 35 minutes. Makes a minimum of four servings for one happy family.


Birnen putzen, schälen und in Scheiben schneiden. Mehl, Rohrohzucker, Zimt, Muskatnuss und Salz zusammenmischen. Birnen unterheben. Tarteteig ausrollen, auf einem Backblech auslegen und mit der Birnenmischung bis auf 5 cm zum Rand belegen. Tarteseiten nach innen falten. Mit Mandeln und kalter Butter besprenkeln. Ei mit Milch leicht aufschlagen und Tarterand bepinseln. 30 – 35 Minuten bei 200°C (Ober- und Unterhitze) im vorgeheizten Backofen fertig backen. Ergibt einen schönen Nachtmittagskuchen für mindestens eine vier köpfige Familie.


The tart is not too sweet, so if you like it sweeter, go ahead and add a little more sugar. Also, just add whatever nuts you have around at home - hazelnuts, walnuts, pecans. They don't have to be slivered either; chopped is also fine. It's that delicious homemade autumn taste that will knock you off your feet.
This recipe calls for prepared pastry dough or pie crust. If you like to make the crust yourself, then go right ahead. I prefer to buy up ALL OF THE DOUGH and freeze. Then, I just take it out to thaw a bit before making this easy and quick tart and other pies. I've had bad experiences with pie crust especially in the warmer months.

We like to have an little afternoon snack when the kids come home from school. This was a perfect match for today with the cooler weather. 
You can save the below image and put in your recipe box. I still have some handwritten recipes from family. This would make a nice addition to the collection box. 

Last month, I posted a recipe only on Instagram. If you missed it or don't have access to Instagram, here it is. Enjoy. A yummy and easy, rustic corn chowder - another taste of autumn goodness in a bowl. I love soul food, don't you?

 If you try one of these recipes, we would love to hear how it turned out for you. Leave a little love in the comments section. Thank you again for dropping by.

1 comment:

  1. Liebe Karen,
    wir haben dieses Jahr extrem viele Birnen - da kam Dein Rezept wie gerufen. Die Jungs haben den Kuchen sehr gerne gegessen - ich denk, den habe ich nicht zum letzten Mal gebacken (jetzt muss ich nur noch ein Rezept für den Boden raussuchen - das Einkaufen gestaltet sich nach wie vor noch etwas schwierig.
    Liebe Grüße


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