Friday, April 26, 2013

my Moda Bake Shop experience

prairie Traditions by Karen Ackva for easypatchwork

Happy Friday everyone! The weather was great this week. I think the sun shined a total of three days which is a record for the year!

If you don't already know, I had a pattern accepted and posted on the Moda Bake Shop blog back in January. Here is a little follow-up post about my experience for prairie Traditions.

I submitted my pattern to Moda using a pre-cut layer cake in September of 2012. I was elated to receive an email a few weeks later telling me that my pattern was accepted. I would have to make the quilt again using a newer fabric line, but that was okay. (I could request three Moda fabric lines, one of which would be sent.)

A month later I received my package. Remember, the package had to be sent from Texas, USA to Ulm, Germany. And it had to pass through Customs that loves to put an extra high import tax on the fabric, because it is produced in Asia. I just love the Zollamt!  I was shocked to find out that the Sample Department was nice enough to fulfill my wish from the fabric line "HONEY HONEY" from Kate Spain. It is such a great springtime fabric!

Sewing the quilt and writing the pattern went like a piece of "cake" -pun intended. I took many photos along the way and wrote instructions using computer diagrams for better understanding. I like photographs, but sometimes diagrams tell me more.

I simplified the quilting to make it easier for everyone to accomplish. I used 100% cotton batting-my personal choice for most quilts.

After the quilt was finished, I waited for more than one week on that perfect day in winter where the sun shined for all of two hours. I rushed out with the quilt and my camera. I already had the location picked out, so the rest was quite easy.  Snap, snap, snap...finished.

I wrote to Moda that my pattern was finished and my photographs were uploaded. Lisa informed me of when my post would be scheduled. On January 7, 2012. I was so excited to see my quilt on their blog. I emailed everyone I knew and stuck to the computer like glue for an entire week reading posts. Thank you for your support!!

Kate Spain also contacted me and posted the quilt in a newsletter for her Flickr-Group - All Things Kate Spain. Wow! I was so moved that she even noticed me.Thank you for your support as well, Kate!

I look forward to making more patterns for Moda Bake Shop as well as other platforms.

I wish you a great weekend!


  1. Congrats to you! Your quilt is beautiful.

  2. That all sounds very exciting and you can be very proud!

  3. You did an awesome job with this tutorial for Moda!! I have a young friend who lives far away from me who is learning to make quilts. I am going to print and send your tute to her because she will be able to follow these directions quite easily! I also appreciate the post about your experience. Maybe some day I'll approach them, too, esp. now that I know what to expect.


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