Monday, April 22, 2013

Back in the Sattle Again

Oh my goodness, how time has flown. I took a short break (almost three months) to get my life and household back in order again. To make the short of it, we bought a house, and it has taken a bit longer than I anticipated to get things organized and get our lives back on track - to get adjusted to the schools and the way things operate here in Bavaria. We used to live in Baden-Württemberg where it seemed things were just a bit simpler.

I have been working on the layout of my new sewing room. Yes, I have a sewing room now. Before I used to work at the kitchen table just like everyone else I suppose. I enjoyed my big working space there, but found it a bit tedius to pack everything away when I wanted to cook. What I always enjoyed was that the kids were right there with me either coloring, sewing, crafting or playing games while I sewed.

So, in the next couple of weeks, I will be showing you the evolution of my new sewing room and maybe even some plans that you can use yourself!!

I look forward to spending more time sewing again!

Yours truly


  1. Replies
    1. It's great to be back! ;-) I have a new baby blanket in the works and can't wait to get started.


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