Unbelievable! Breathtaking! Unforgettable! Those are my impressions of the European Patchwork Convention 2014 (Carrefour Europeén du Patchwork in Marie-aux-Mines, Alsace, France).
This was my very first patchwork "field trip" so to say. A chartered bus was organized for our two patchwork groups en-route to the biggest patchwork convention this side of the Atlantic. Loaded up with coffee and cake (what WE Germans must have on a day trip!), we left our homes in the wee hours of the morning saying goodbye to our families for the next couple of days. We were excited and anxious!
With no big problems and great weather, we arrived shortly before lunch. We formed little groups or went alone to explore three different villages participating in the convention over two days. (Different buildings, usually churches, were exhibited the different patchwork artists. ) We started out at the village theater exhibiting the Amish Quilts. A very lovely collection of old and new quilts were shown. These quilts also had some polyester cloth patchworked in. Amazing!
Amish Quilts in the Theater |
After a quick look around, we jetted off to the Silver Mine were there was a large exhibit of more modern quilts and textile art quilts. Every quilt amazed ME especially this hand quilted white on white see quilt. It was quilted by a man!! Chapeau! I could have stayed longer, but there was soooo much more to see!
Quilts at the Silver Mine (Silberberg) |
After returning from the Silberberg to the main square in Marie-aux-Mines, we enjoyed our bagged lunches on the steps of the theater. It was captivating observing everything and seeing how much everyone enjoyed the event. Off to the next exhibit! We worked our way through the town from one building to the next. I think there were 15 different exhibit locations that we conquered on this day in the main village alone.
At the end of the first day, we hopped back on our bus on to our hotel room and a large buffet dinner. Tine to unwind. We were all so overwhelmed! I was overwhelmed the most. Everyone kept commenting on how it hammered me. So many impressions, so little brain capacity left!
On our second day, my dear friend,
Katrin, and I decided to go it alone and a little bit slower - not to overload me like the previous day. We started out at the Villa exhibiting the most beautiful Japanese quilts. Again, I was stunned. We did take our time though to enjoy the quilts instead of just snapping a photo and then jumping on to the next display.
Japanese Quilts at the Villa |
We hopped around from one exhibit to the next taking a break for real Elsäßer-Flammkuchen and a glass of wine.
Then we rounded the day off with a tour through the "Ladenstraße" or the Patchwork stands.
I was thrilled that I finally got to meet Brigitte Heitland. It was her first time selling at the Carrefour Europeén du Patchwork. She is such a talented and charming woman and artist!
What did I buy? I loved looking at all of the selling booths. Most displayed a trend towards "French Patchwork" as I would classify it - a Quiltmania- style. I love the look, but there is just too much handwork involved. What really caught my attention there was FELT. I loved seeing everything you can make with it. I virtually went crazy but kept myself under control.
Here is my loot! A little bit of fall fabrics, some scraps from ZenChic, some retro prints, number prints, lots of felt and felt patterns. I even WON the two spools of thread in a free ball throw into a jar game.
Thank you for joining me on my little tour of the European Patchwork Convention 2014 in Alsace, France!
I can't wait to get back to my sewing now! Whoops....I forget to mention the highlight for me. I met Kate Dowty and and spoke to her as well. I really love her work!! She is very inspirational. She encouraged me to start with landscape quilts. That is a definite must for 2015!
You can learn more about her and her quilts
Now back to my sewing machine!