Monday, February 9, 2015

bumble bees and krapfen

Bienenstich, Erdeer-, Schokolade- und Eierlikörkrapfen
In the dead of winter, there is a very exciting holiday coming round in Germany  called Fasching. The rest of the world knows this as Fat Tuesday or Carnival. I first got to experience the liveliness of the day in New Orleans in the French Quarter back in 1995 or so. Wow, I will never forget that! I was only there once, but the memories will last a lifetime. I did manage to bring home a whole bag of beads. (You usually have to exchange a kiss for a strand.) And, I had one very special strand that hung down just about to the floor with huge two inch beads on it. I won't tell you what I did for that one. :)

And I experienced Fastnacht in Basel, Switzerland in 1999 in the very wee hours in the morning. Unforgettable! The costumes were so elaborate!! I still can't believe I took a bus at midnight to watch the parade at 2 am!

Here in Schwaben, schwäbisch-alemannische Fastnacht or Fasching is celebrated with parades of witches usually men and women belonging to an organized group who dress up like witches complete with wooden-carved masks - some that have been in the families for generations. It is definitely something to be seen. Parades of witches (Narren) will walk by and usually play some type of prank on you. Since the masks can be grüeslig, my kids prefer not to go to these types. And then there are those phrases - Hexe, Hexa, Hexa....more, more dialect. A little bit of candy is "thrown" to the spectators, but not a lot.

Kinderfasching in Leipheim 2014
Then, there are the parades close to Frankfurt which are a little more entertaining with floats and funny characters not just something to scare you. These are much more entertaining for the kids. Here, lots and lots of candy is thrown from the floats just like a traditional American "parade." And of course, there is always plenty of alcohol involved! Little bottles of spirits, wine and beer are handed out to spectators. Don't forget, there is a large amount of consumption from the participants as well. I think the younger participants use it as an excuse to drink since they are allowed to drink alcohol openly starting 16. I am not a fan of the entire "Faschingsitzungen", but I do like a few things about it. It is nice to let your hair down and have some fun. =)

We celebrate Kinderfasching this week in our town. The kids will dress themselves in a costume of their choice, this year a soldier and a harem dancer. I will dress myself too; I have a few costumes stored away. There will be lots of music, food, candy and laughter.

Kinderfasching in Hüttisheim 2015
 What I especially think of at this time of year, are Krapfen. These are doughnuts filled with spiced eggnog, chocolate, Carmel, honey-creme, strawberry, etc. As an American, you can probably get this any time of the year. Living in Germany, you appreciate and savor this TREAT! The only time you can get them is between Jan. 1 and Fat Tuesday. I cannot resist these treats. I LOVE my Eierlikörkrapfen!! 

Eierlikörkrapfen und tanzende Bienchen

This delicacy is entering our home almost on a daily basis right now! I have to stop buying them, but I cannot resist. When we lived in Baden-Würrtemburg, you couldn't find them anywhere, the Eierlikör at least. You have to drive over the border to Bavaria!! Now, I live in Bavaria, so I can find them at the local bakery and patisserie. I swear, I ate my last one on Friday. I will not buy anymore!

And more appropriate to show you Krapfen as this beautiful bumble bee mug rug I am working on for a swap at fortworthfabricstudio - my swarm of bees. You can find the free template at Badskirt in the shape of a hexagon.

I like this one so much, I am not sure I am going to part with it. It doesn't really look "springy" though does it? When I think of spring, I think of fresh colors such as Easter eggs, not black, white and gray. I might redo the idea, I might not. I still have time to decide. =)

What did I learn last week? I like to embroider, I hate to hand quilt!

Thanks for dropping by.


  1. Liebe Karen,
    das ist so schön, bei Dir über den Fasching zu lesen! Ich habe ja in Karlsruhe und Basel studiert und bin auch einmal mit einer Freundin nachts mit dem Zug nach Basel gefahren um dort den Morgenstreich zu erleben - ein einmaliges Erlebnis. Du hast mir die Erinnerungen daran gerade so schön zurückgebracht :-) Ich selbst bin nicht so der Faschingsmensch und verkleide mich nicht so gerne, meine Jüngste ist aber noch gerne hier im Ort am Faschingsdienstag beim Faschingstreiben mit dabei. Und soll ich Dir was verraten - wir sind gerade gemütlich zusammengesessen, ich hatte einen Eierlikörkrapfen, mein Sohn Schoko und meine Tochter den "normalen" Hagebuttenkrapfen. Ach ja, die werde ich wieder vermissen... Aber für meine Hüften ist es ganz gut, wenn jetzt dann die Fastenzeit angeht :-)))
    Deine Bienen solltest Du behalten, die sind so schön! Und Du hast völlig recht, für einen Spring Swap musst Du die Farben eh noch einmal überdenken :-))) Also DIE Gelegenheit, um ein schönes Teil für sich selbst zu behalten!
    LG, Sandra

  2. Too cute! Excuse me, now I need to go find something sweet and yummy to snack on!

  3. I really want to try each of those scrumptious flavors!! Your bees are adorable.

  4. Liebe Karen,
    Als ich noch "jung" war, habe ich die Basler - Fasnacht fast jedes Jahr besucht - ein "muss", wenn man in der Schweiz lebt!!
    Da ich eh eine "süße" bin, liebe ich die Fasnachtszeit vor allem wegen den feinen Krapfen und Küchlein - ...Yummy :)...
    Deine Bienchen sind total süß!!
    GLG, Deborah

  5. Hi Karen. American living in Hungary. I found your blog through Moda and your falling leaves quilt. I am committing to the 23 April Patchwork in the Peaks because of your blog! Also, I am heading to the Kaiserslautern area at the same time and taking a train to Morzine. Do you know if the butter presses you spoke of during the holidays are sold in this area? I look forward to reading more in the future! : )april

    1. Hi April! You are a "no-reply" so I will answer you here. ;.)

      I am so jealous of you going to Patchwork in the Peaks! You will be spoiled with great food, wonderful people, and all the extras a girl could want from a patchwork retreat!. Elita is such a wonderful woman, with her perfect southern hospitality charm AND her comeptence! She has organized many retreats and has come up with the ultimate retreat! You will not be disappointed. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend this spring due to other commitments.

      As far as the butter presses, I have only seen the small ones are local (Christmas and Hand Crafting) markets. You might be able to find them at word crafting shops??

      Thanks for dropping by!

  6. Hi I'm also participating this swap. Really the mug rug you've chosen to prepare is very nice. Lucky the one who will get it !!
    Kind regards from France

  7. I love your bees mug rug "in progress" ! It is so cute!!
    We are lucky in the USA to get all of the sweets we could want , year-round.

  8. I love your bees. Do you have a pattern to share or a link to one?

  9. I love the bees so much I want to make some too! Do you have a pattern to share or a link to it?


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