Friday, June 12, 2015

a practical envelope

I have seen that one of my free patterns, easypatchwork Love Letters, has been downloaded many, many times on Craftsy, lately. I am totally psyched about it too! One reader/downloader told me she was having problems with the download and didn't understand the pattern; half of the directions were missing! It is true, I had a template located on my website and the directions on Craftsy. I did this, because I wanted you to visit both sites. I cannot see who and how often my patterns are downloaded on my website, but I can see that information on Craftsy.

I took another look at my pattern and made some changes. I added both the paper pieced foundation for the envelope as well as the template for making the side pockets to the original pattern directions at the end of the file. Now there are eight pages of information, pattern, and templates.

There are plenty of pictures telling you how to make the envelope pockets. I hope everything is now clear and concise.

The once free pattern is now at an exploding amount of $1. That sounds like a lot of money doesn't it? You probably don't want to download something you have to pay for do you? I know there are lots of patterns out there, but I think this is justified. I see it this way....I offer many free patterns, and the only thank you I really want for the download is to see a picture of YOUR finished product. I do have some very good patchwork friends who upload pictures to Craftsy or send me a picture of their creations, but not too many. Nor, do I get a thanks for the effort in making the pattern. ;-( I am sorry if you see it differently.

So, I posting about my new and improved Love Letters pattern sold for $1 on Craftsy! If you decide to use my pattern, I would still really love to see what you make from it! You can even upload to the ALL THINGS EASYPATCHWORK GROUP on Flickr!

Thanks for dropping by. And if you have ever downloaded a pattern of mine, wether free or bought, I would love to hear from you to know if it was worth it or not. Thanks!


  1. I would love to sew this pattern, and I think 1 dollar is far too low a price! I'll be over in the morning to download it....

  2. I would love to sew this pattern, and I think 1 dollar is far too low a price! I'll be over in the morning to download it....


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