Thursday, November 26, 2015

the one-hour basket reviewed

I sewed my very first "one-hour-basket" for a friend of ours that was having their first baby back in February/March of this year. I used the Fabric Basket Tutorial from Trina from Will Cook for Shoes for the Fort Worth Fabric company. I thought the pattern went well. The handles were on the front and back of the basket. Then I saw the 1 Hour Basket all over IG (Instagram) with the hashtag #kelbysews. This basket looked a little better, peppier with a little more structure and with the handles on the sides rather than in the middle. Aha...another pattern which must be greatly improved? Kelby also lists her free tutorial Craftsy. (As most of you, I like to find free patterns!) I downloaded her version to see what the difference was and if I would agree with her changes. I read. I practiced. I bought more supplies and wracked my brain about improvements and modifications. Here is my opinion after making a couple of baskets from both tutorials!

The Fabric Basket from Trina is a very nice, tall and roomy basket made from quilting quality fabric that is quilted on the outer shell. The outer shell fabric is fused and quilted which gives it stability on the outside. The inside is also quilting quality fabric (which is rather thin) but reinforced with a medium weight stabilizer. The basket holds its shape nicely. The handles fold to the left and right in the middle of the basket. The inner and outer shells are connected at the top and flipped at the top.

Fabric Basket Tutorial from Trina of "Will Cook for Shoes"


The 1 Hour Basket from Kelby is modified version. I say this clearly because of the dates of when both were published. The basket from Trina was published in February 2015, and the one from Kelby in March, 2015. What changed in the new basket which sparked the need for a new tutorial?
Although the 1 Hour Basket was as published after the Fabric Basket Tutorial, Shelby assured me she has never seen this tutorial before today. My apologies. What is different in Shelby's tutorial? It is improved and a bit more thought out especially if you don't want to do a lot of quilting.
  • the newer version is compact - overall dimensions make it shorter and longer.
  • bottom base is slightly smaller.
  • clears up the discrepancies for inner and outer shells (inner lining must be smaller to prevent puckering when top stitching the two shells together. The inside was sewn with a 5/8" seam allowance rather than 1/2".) The picture below shows this puckering on the original basket.

  • changes the handle positions to the ends
  • handles are longer and narrower
  • uses home decor quality fabric (definite plus for stability)
  • changes the base to be slightly narrower (square base pockets reduced from 3 1/2 inches to 3 inches)
  • flips through the inner lining at the bottom rather than the inner shell at the top  (a definite plus for the overall design)
  • does not reinforce the inner lining to make a shell

Both baskets look amazing don't they?? I agree, the photos are great!

Fabric Basket Tutorial from Trina
1 Hour Basket Tutorial from Kelby Sews
Here is what you don't see or what you see when you put them side by side:

Fabric Basket Tutorial vs. 1 Hour Basket Tutorial

So you can understand, these baskets were slightly modified by me when I sewed them together. Here is what I changed to each basket:

Basket from the Trina Basket

  1. Not quilted.
  2. No use of stabilizer on the inner lining to make a shell.
  3. Handles on the ends instead of side.

Basket from the Kelby Basket

  1. Sewed the handles like the first basket by folding in the center once and folding in again 1/4 on each side.
  2. Added cotton batting and quilted on the crease lines.
  3. No use of home decor fabric on outer shell nor on the inner lining.
What is your opinion? Which one do you like better?

I clearly like the second (improved) version better. But I think it all depends on how you are going to use the basket. If you are going to use it for holding diapers, I would clearly use the tutorial from Trina exactly as she wrote it, but I would flip through the top, because it makes for a better finish. I would also quilt it very tight for added stability. I think the handles on the front and back are just fine, but may need to be adjusted for your purposes. If you want a more decorative basket, I would pick Kelby's which proves to be a quick sew with little hassle. I would adopt the handle size and length from Trina's tutorial though. I think they look better short and stump. But keep in mind, both of these baskets take a while to sew. Make sure you read through the tutorials carefully to understand.

If you are interested in how I fine-tuned the basket for my Christmas gifts, stay tuned.....Part 2 will be posted tomorrow!

If you are celebrating Thanksgiving today, happy Thanksgiving!! I heard that the Carolina Panthers will be playing today! Yeah, go Panthers!! We will be celebrating our turkey day on the weekend when we have time to enjoy it, without the stess of work and school. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Dear Karen, what a great comparison. I don't know this other basket but I like the size of my hourbasket. But I was much too slow with the sewing, no one hour but a three hour ;-) I used heavy Ikea fabric for the outside with H630 (or H640 don't remember) and took patchwork fabric with S320 for the inside, still think that a little more stiffness will go well with it. Next on the to sew list is the divided basket - in my opinion the middle connection for making two parts is perfect for a stiff stand of it... And I also want to use my Soft&Stable for it... Still there is this little basket from Grete and the utensilo mit Trennwand from Pattydoo, which is sewed differently to the divided basket. Maybe we just should sew it all and take the best out of everyone ;-)

    1. What I also want to learn is to adapt sizes of my favourite instruction. So there is no need for the not so good pattern only due to size.

  2. Ich gebe zu ich habe nicht bis zum Ende mitgelesen, für mich sehen beide Körbchen gut aus und ich finde es gut dass Du eine bessere Idee fürs Zusammennähen hattest als in der Vorlage.

  3. Kelby Sews pattern is no longer free but is from her Etsy Shop. I'm going to try your version because I think I like it better anyway. Wish I could save it somewhere.


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